segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012

Parque Nacional da Peneda Gêres - Eco Canyoning

Numa zona privilegiada e inserida no único Parque Nacional do país, o Gerês situa-se no extremo nordeste do Minho e é uma zona incrível que é considerada pela UNESCO, como Reserva Mundial da Biosfera. Sendo uma das principais atracções naturais de Portugal, esta é uma zona lindíssima repleta de tesouros por descobrir. Na minha última visita a esta região, aproveitei para me deliciar com uma actividade repleta de  adrenalina: o Eco-Canyoning. Apesar de termos apanhado um dia de chuva terrível, esta foi uma experiência inesquecível.

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gêres
Setembro 2012

110 comentários:

Maja Mladenovic disse...

I'm following you dear! Lovely post!

Patrícia disse...

é um sítio lindo!

beijinhos querida,

Helena Resende disse...

O Gerês é, sem dúvida, um lugar fantástico! :)

Unknown disse...

Wow! Looks like so much fun! :)


Helena Resende disse...

I really had an amazing time! :)

Selvaggia Capizzi disse...

I am so jealous! i'd love to try this experience!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Lilli disse...

How cool Helena! Love to see and to do this kind of activity! must be amazing!! besos!:*

Helena Resende disse...

It was an amazing experience! I loved it! :)

Kelly disse...

This looks amazing, great photos!

Sparkles and Shoes

Helena Resende disse...

Thank you :)

StylishByNature disse...

Great pics ... I wanna try it now :)

Win 4 Ties from Mitchell Roberts !!

Helena Resende disse...

It is so cool :)

Anónimo disse...

Great experience!!

Boulevard ACH

Simi disse...

Great post!!.))

Helena Resende disse...

It was amazing! :)

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} disse...

All I can think about is that cold water.

Helena Resende disse...

It was so cool that we didn't have any time to think about the cold water! :)

Sheila disse...

Great posts! I never been canyoning and it looks fun!

xo - Sheila

Helena Resende disse...

It is great! :)

Diana Marks disse...

Great adventures and cool video! Have a good week! ;)
LA By Diana Live Magazine

Helena Resende disse...

Thank you :)

Mónica - Mes Voyages à Paris Blog disse...

Beautiful place!!

(Don't miss our worldwide giveaway!!)

Helena Resende disse...

It is a really nice place :)

Anónimo disse...

O Gerês é o lugar ideal para este tipo de coisas :)

Helena Resende disse...

Concordo plenamente! :)

El blog de Renée disse...

uuuaaauuuu...!! tuvisteis que disfrutar un montón!! Yo no se si me habría atrevido hacer eso, pero me gustaria atreverme seguro que es super divertido!!! Un día de aventura!!


Helena Resende disse...

You would love it, for sure! It is so much fun! :)

Juliana disse...

Deve ser muito divertido e o lugar é lindo!

Universo de um Closet disse...

Lindo lugar amo cachoeira. @JiseleCordeiro

K.I.S.S. disse...

great post dear. yes, we can follow each other, following already and waiting 4 you.

Ella disse...

Que coragem hein? Muito legal, eu faria um passeio/aventura dessa =)


Helena Resende disse...

Foi realmente uma aventura fantástica! Eu adorei :)

Patricia González Fernández disse...

wowwww!!! an amazing experience! i like it =)

Helena Resende disse...

It was a really amazing experience! :)

Unknown disse...

lovely photos!! looks alot of fun! i want to experience it as well :)

Helena Resende disse...

Thank you! It was an amazing experience! :)

ylenia disse...

WOW, this is an incredible experience for sure!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment =)

Anónimo disse...

Your posts are fantastic!! :)

Qué Acierto! disse...

What amazing experience...Do not know if I dare.

Betty Gaeta disse...

Oi Helena,
Adorei as fotos. O lugar me lembrou muito de Brotas, uma cidade de eco turismo, relativamente próxima de onde moro.
Tenha uma ótima semana!


Teddi disse...

what an adventure!

Princess disse...

adorei! Deve ter sido super divertido conhecer esse parque!


Helena Resende disse...

Foi realmente muito divertido! :)

Bravoe Runway disse...

I have never gone canoeing

Helena Resende disse...

It's so cool! :)

Unknown disse...

Oi Helena, sou a sua mais nova segudora!! Se voce puder me seguir de volta seria otimo :)
Beijos, ANa
Ana In Style INPINK Giveaway

Sam disse...

This looks like immense fun, not sure I am adventurous enough to take it on, well done!

Jessica disse...

This looks like a lot of fun!

Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

Jairlany Oliveira disse...

que aventura booaa

Beijos, Jay.
Insta e Twitter: @jairlanyo
Tem sorteio lá no blog!

snow. white disse...

WOW! Absolutely gorgeous dear! Love it!


ThefashionFlite disse...

wow, u did rafting ! its so much fun to do ! sadly I have to another year for it,as they close down in winters here !
Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog ! stay in touch
P.S –If u have time hop over to my blog and check my new post !

Antonella Leone disse...

Iook so amazing <3<3

Helena Resende disse...

It was amazing! :)

BELULOVE disse...

guauu amxing ai dont undertsand so much but pics are great!! love them

Katie Frank disse...

wow it looks awesome!

Olga Kovtunenko disse...

Gorgeous photos! Love them!)

sonia // daring coco disse...

This post is so awesome and looks like is was so much fun! Must try this!


Sparkle disse...

wow. this is so cool!


Encarna disse...

it looks a nice place!

Fashionista disse...

Demais!!! Temos que experimentar!

Unknown disse...

yes we can. Now following :)

gvozdishe disse...

Wow you are so brave!

gvozdishe on Facebook

Mery Arbi disse...

Helena! it has been long since i came the last time! how have you being doing? lovely pics XD

Jessica disse...

Wow, what an adventurous group. It looks like a lot of fun.

Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

LoveT. disse...

Wow ,how cool is that! Amazing!

kisses :)

Abbie disse...

wow, that looks like such fun!! x

Jenny / Rocknrollerr disse...

thank you for your comment dear <3

Elisabeth disse...

Great pics dear!!!
I always love your posts (:

xx from

Lucía disse...

Every summer I go on holidays near this place, and this summer my friends wanted to go there. Unfortunately we fail in the organization, but I hope next year could visit it! :)
It seems that you have a lot of fun!
A big hug!

Lucia Gallego Blog

Pretty in Pink disse...

Bemmmm que aventuraaa =D=D Boaaa :D


Helena Resende disse...

Foi realmente uma aventura muito divertida! :)

Allison disse...

OMG this looks like so much fun!!
A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!

c disse...

it looks awesome!


Josephine disse...

This looks so awesome! Thanks for the comment :)

<3 Josephine

Raquel T.G. disse...

That has to be exciting!! =)

Helena Resende disse...

It was amazing! :)

Marina disse...

awww , great time you spend there !!! :D


Paulina disse...

Lovely pics! :)

Sandra Leiva disse...

Looks like so much fun!
Great pics <3

Helena Resende disse...

It was an amazing experience! :)

Anónimo disse...

Your blog is so wonderful and Im following...I hope you follow me also:)

If you like designer chairs...check out my new post:)

Have a great day dear

LOVE Maria at

Helena Resende disse...

Thank you :)

C - Abriendo mi armario disse...

I think that you really enjoy there!

Helena Resende disse...

I really had an amazing time! :)

Dascha disse...

Amazing pictures!
So cool..


BeSugarandSpice disse...

Que buena experiencia!!!

BeSugarandSpice disse...

Que buena experiencia!!!

Helena Resende disse...

it was really cool and fun! :)

Anónimo disse...

Gracies per tu comentari en eñ meu blog!

Por supuesto yo ya te sigo y me encantaria q tu tb lo hicieras!

Unknown disse...

Bem, isso parece ter sido tão divertido. Eu teria medo de saltar de lá de cima :O

Helena Resende disse...

Foi realmente muito divertido! :)

Glossy Lala disse...

Thank you for visiting my blog,I am following you via gfc,hope to follow me as well.

monika disse...

of course we can follow each other:) i've followed you and now its your turn to follow me back:)

MateaTPol disse...

wow thats so good, I want do this too!!!

Helena Resende disse...

It was amazing! :)

Helena Resende disse...

O Gerês é um sítio lindo! :)

ilovetrends disse...

Great pics!

Anna and Klaudia disse...

Awesome pictures :)

Sabrina disse...

Wow! This really looks like an incredible excursion! I'd say that I hope that you had fun, but you definitely did, judging by the photos and video! :)

With love from San Francisco, California, USA,

Helena Resende disse...

I really did! :)

angieporelmundo disse...

fascinating, fun

Helena Resende disse...

It was really fun! :)

Julye disse...

looks so nice !!

Helena Resende disse...

It was really nice :)

ELE EME EFE disse...

WOW!! Amazing!!!

Chic Delights disse...

This looks so much fun!

Helena Resende disse...

It was so much fun! :)

Juseneide disse...

Espírito aventureiro,a experiência parece mesmo ter sido inesquecível e ainda bem que a chuva não estragou nada :D
bjs bom domingo.

Anónimo disse...

It looked like you had an AWESOME time:)

If you like pink..check out my new post:)

have a great week dear


Helena Resende disse...

Thank you :)